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We have a lot of work to do to defend our democracy against MAGA extremism

We have a lot of work to do to defend our democracy against MAGA extremism. I know our grassroots team will never stop fighting to protect voting rights, expand Vote by Mail, put an end to partisan gerrymandering, and get dark money out of our elections!

Across the country, we have five strong Democratic incumbents running in tough races this year who are also fighting to defend our democracy.

In Montana, Senator Jon Tester is a longtime champion of transparency in our democracy. He helped pass sweeping ethics reform and then went above and beyond what was required and banned all gifts, meals, and travel from lobbyists for himself and his staff. He even barred any staffers who become lobbyists from lobbying him or being rehired. Jon's record on transparency earned him the title of "Montana's advocate for accountability."

In Ohio, Senator Sherrod Brown is fighting voter suppression, particularly in his home state. When he was Ohio's secretary of state, he did everything he could to make it easier for people to exercise their right to vote and participate in our democracy. One year, he even worked with McDonald's to print voter registration forms on tray liners – some of them may have come back with ketchup stains, but his office was happy to accept them. Now, he's continuing that fight in the Senate by introducing legislation to protect the right to vote.

In Wisconsin, Senator Tammy Baldwin is defending our democracy by pushing to stop voter suppression efforts and removing barriers to the constitutionally protected right to vote.

In Nevada, Senator Jacky Rosen is working tirelessly to uphold our democracy in the face of unprecedented attacks. She continues to sponsor bills that expand Americans' access to the ballot box and reduce the influence of dark money in politics.

In Pennsylvania, Senator Bob Casey is promoting honesty and accountability in government. Pennsylvania is the birthplace of American democracy, and Bob supports innovations like automatic voter registration to make our voter rolls more secure, save taxpayers money, and help make sure every legal, eligible voter can make their voice heard.

Our five incredible Democratic Senate incumbents are on the frontlines in the battle to defend democracy and restore accountability in our government. Now, we need to have their backs as they go up against MAGA opponents in toss-up races that will determine control of the Senate.

Can I count on you to pitch in ${{get('ask')}} to The Blue Wave Project, which helps defend the Democratic Senate Majority and supports Democratic candidates running for Senate across the country – including Jon Tester in MT, Sherrod Brown in OH, Tammy Baldwin in WI, Jacky Rosen in NV, and Bob Casey in PA?

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Posted on May 13, 2024.

Born in the small town of Myrtle Creek, Oregon, Jeff Merkley has never lost touch with his working class roots.

As a U.S. Senator, he works every day to create opportunity for working families, stop the corruption of our democracy, and tackle the climate crisis.

A workhorse and a progressive champion, Jeff Merkley is leading a movement to get our country back on track.

Meet Jeff

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