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On the anniversary of Social Security

Americans love Social Security. You work your whole life, paying in with the promise that Social Security will be there when you retire or if you become disabled. It's been a backbone for seniors for almost a century. So why are Senate Republicans putting forth a plan that guts Social Security?

Republicans have consistently tried to cut Social Security benefits, breaking a core promise Americans have relied on for generations. Democrats are committed to fighting to protect Social Security from Republican cuts. The choice could not be more stark.

On the 88th anniversary of The Social Security Act, I'm asking you to donate $17 to the Blue Wave Project to help us expand our Democratic majority in the Senate and save Social Security from irresponsible Republican cuts.

Generations of workers have paid into Social Security. We cannot betray their investment; in fact, we need to strengthen it!

My plan to strengthen Social Security is simple:

  1. Require the wealthiest Americans to pay their fair share in taxes. Most Americans pay Social Security contributions on all of their earnings. But not the wealthy. So let's have people making more than $250,000 pay into the Social Security fund on those earnings. More than 90% of Americans would not see their taxes go up under this plan.
  2. Adopt a cost of living adjustment that includes the rapidly rising costs of health care and prescription drugs. The annual adjustment to Social Security benefits doesn't reflect the actual costs seniors face. Let's increase the benefits so they keep up with expenses.

Combined, these reforms will ensure Social Security remains solvent for decades and serves America's seniors better.

And what's the Republicans' plan?

They are pushing the idea to end all federal programs, including Social Security, after five years. Remember when former House Speaker Paul Ryan kept trying to cut Medicare and Social Security? This isn't a new plan. The wealthy CEOs don't rely on Social Security, so the GOP doesn't care about Social Security.

But we do, and we'll fight the MAGA Republicans to make sure we keep the promise of Social Security to hardworking Americans who spend their lives paying in so it's there when they need it.

Today, I'm asking you to send $4 to the Blue Wave Project and help us expand our Democratic majority and protect Social Security from MAGA Republicans.



Posted on August 14, 2023.

Born in the small town of Myrtle Creek, Oregon, Jeff Merkley has never lost touch with his working class roots.

As a U.S. Senator, he works every day to create opportunity for working families, stop the corruption of our democracy, and tackle the climate crisis.

A workhorse and a progressive champion, Jeff Merkley is leading a movement to get our country back on track.

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